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Washington USA News and events

News and events


Proceeding from a well-known data about the capital city of Washington, being the most powerful political, administrative, and business centre, we can't omit the information about the annuals gatherings, taking place within the city, and concerning all business and political deals. They are really important, usually housing the representatives of the world-wide largest countries.

The Board of Trades Mid-Winter Dinner, for example, is an annual event, considered being one of the most important business conferences of the year. Over 1.200 business-likes arrive in Washington each year in order to meet the most influential heads of American and foreign companies, officials, members of the Government, and mass media representatives, and discuss burning political and business questions with them.

 Annual Recognition Dinner is a similar business event, attracting about 300 individuals from all the parts of the world. They organise meetings with the business and community of Greater Washington, where the most important points are talked over.

Golf Tournament is a venue, organised by Boards of Trade's (the organisation that provides all the important business outings within the city). This "assembly" allows combining pleasure and work: to have a magnificent golf tournament and then discuss all the important deals, while having a cup of coffee or a glass of wine.

The Outlook Conference and Greater Washington Initiative Annual Meeting is an annual gathering of both private and public sectors, counting about 200 persons each year. The goal is to discuss the current economical trends and find out some advantageous and profitable deals in the economic domain.

Among the other significant meetings are featured also:

Among the latest news in the domain of culture is conducting of Bergen International Festival, opened on Wednesday May 23, which is believed to be the best this year cultural and music festival.

June 15 is going to be a big day, as Nordic Jazz 07 Festival will be held, promising to expose the best jazz artists from Finland, Denmark, Norway, and Sweden.

World Environment Day will be celebrated in Washington on June 5 and 6.

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